Sleep becomes something that essence in our lives. Due to sleep, we become fresh again. The body is tired, the veins shrink, and the muscles that are used on the move all day, can rejuvenate again by sleep.In Islam, all acts of worship can be. Similarly, sleep, as exemplified by the Prophet. In the Qur'an, Allah commanded us to sleep. However, there are two recommended sleep time by the Prophet not to do :
1. Sleep in the Morning After Fajr PrayerFrom wadi'ah bin Sakhr Al-Ghamidi radliyallaahu 'anhu shallallaahu Praise be to Allaah Prophet, upon him blessings and peace: "O God, bless for my ummah in the morning" (Narrated by Abu Dawood 3 / 517, Ibn Majah 2 / 752, Ath-Thayalisi page 175, and Ibn Hibbaan 7 / 122 with saheeh chain).
Ibn al-Qayyim has said about the virtues of the early days and makruhnya wasting time with sleep, which he said: "Including makruh thing for them - that is, those deeds - is a sleeping between Fajr prayer with the rising sun, because it is a very precious time at all. There is an interesting and noble habits once on the utilization time of righteous people, to the point that although they walked all night they will not tolerate for a break at that time until sunrise. Because it is early days and at the same time as the key. It is a time of falling rizki, the division, decline in blessing, and from it the day it rolled and restore all the day's events on the costly event. So should his sleep at the time such as sleeping man who was forced to "(Madaarijus-Saalikiin 1 / 459).
It was narrated from Abu Barzah radlyallaahu 'anhu: "That Rasulullah Shallahu'alayhi wa sallam hates to sleep before 'Isha prayers and talking afterwards" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim 568 647).The majority of the hadiths of the Prophet explained makruh to sleep before Isha' prayers. " Therefore, al-Tirmidhi (1 / 314) said: "The majority of legal scholars claim makruh sleep before Isya' prayers and talking afterwards. And some scholars others to give relief in this matter. Abdullah bin Mubarak said: "Most of the hadiths of the Prophet forbid, some scholars allow sleeping before 'isha prayers special on Ramadlan month alone."Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar said in Fath-Baari (2 / 49): "Among the scholars see no relief (ie) exclude when there are people who would wake him for prayer, or know of his habits that his sleep was not to spend time praying. This opinion is also correct, because we say that the reason the ban is a concern lost the prayer time. "
1. Sleep in the Morning After Fajr PrayerFrom wadi'ah bin Sakhr Al-Ghamidi radliyallaahu 'anhu shallallaahu Praise be to Allaah Prophet, upon him blessings and peace: "O God, bless for my ummah in the morning" (Narrated by Abu Dawood 3 / 517, Ibn Majah 2 / 752, Ath-Thayalisi page 175, and Ibn Hibbaan 7 / 122 with saheeh chain).
Ibn al-Qayyim has said about the virtues of the early days and makruhnya wasting time with sleep, which he said: "Including makruh thing for them - that is, those deeds - is a sleeping between Fajr prayer with the rising sun, because it is a very precious time at all. There is an interesting and noble habits once on the utilization time of righteous people, to the point that although they walked all night they will not tolerate for a break at that time until sunrise. Because it is early days and at the same time as the key. It is a time of falling rizki, the division, decline in blessing, and from it the day it rolled and restore all the day's events on the costly event. So should his sleep at the time such as sleeping man who was forced to "(Madaarijus-Saalikiin 1 / 459).
2. Sleep before Isha Prayer
It was narrated from Abu Barzah radlyallaahu 'anhu: "That Rasulullah Shallahu'alayhi wa sallam hates to sleep before 'Isha prayers and talking afterwards" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim 568 647).The majority of the hadiths of the Prophet explained makruh to sleep before Isha' prayers. " Therefore, al-Tirmidhi (1 / 314) said: "The majority of legal scholars claim makruh sleep before Isya' prayers and talking afterwards. And some scholars others to give relief in this matter. Abdullah bin Mubarak said: "Most of the hadiths of the Prophet forbid, some scholars allow sleeping before 'isha prayers special on Ramadlan month alone."Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar said in Fath-Baari (2 / 49): "Among the scholars see no relief (ie) exclude when there are people who would wake him for prayer, or know of his habits that his sleep was not to spend time praying. This opinion is also correct, because we say that the reason the ban is a concern lost the prayer time. "
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