Dec 1, 2010

Kartini, Longing on Dark Light in the Midst

-salim fillah; author of the book 'Agar Bidadari Cemburu Padamu'-

Searching the various studies on related Kartini do with spirituality and Islam, then at least we will find the four points of view;
FIRST: That the Kartini is a pure Java, which was oriented on the spiritual side of what is referred to as Javanese. "As a Javanese who lives in the neighborhood mysticism",
writes Artawijaya in his article for, "Kartini picture about the human relationship with God is also the same: subjects manunggaling gusti. Therefore, in her letters, Kartini wrote of God as "Father." In addition, Kartini also call God by the term "Truth", "Kindness", "Conscience", and "Light", as reflected in his letters the following:
"Our God is conscience, hell and heaven is our conscience. By doing evil, we who condemn our conscience. By doing a virtue, conscience we who give alms."(Letter to the E. Kartini C Abendanon, 15 August 1902)"Kindness and God are one." (Kartini Letter to Mrs Nellie van Kol, 20 August 1902)
SECOND: That the Kartini was a female fighter who tracks the movement inspired by Islamic values. Those who believe this statement is filed evidence by citing the writings of Kartini as follows;
"There is no God except Allah! We said Muslims, and together we all who believe, the monotheistic, God is God, the Creator of the Universe. "(Letter to Mrs Kartini. Van Kol, 21 July 1902)
"Astaghfirullah, how far I deviate" (Letter to Mrs Kartini. Abendanon, March 5, 1902)
"I really want to use the highest degree, namely: Servant of God, Abdullah." (Letter to Mrs Kartini. Abendanon, August 1, 1903)
"Tribulation we only can we complain to God, nothing can help us and only He who can heal." (Kartini's Letters to Mrs. Abandanon, August 1, 1903)
"Leaned to humans, is the same case with binding to human. Only one way to God. Who was really devoted to God, not bound to a human being he is in truth punm free "(Letter to Mrs. Ovink, October 1900)
"I hope we have mercy, can work to make people of other faiths to Islam should look like." (Letter to Mrs Kartini. Van Kol, 21 July 1902)
"What do you think about Zending, if you intend to do good to the people of Java solely on the basis of love, not in the context of Christianity? For Muslims, releasing his own beliefs to embrace another religion, is a sin as much as possible. In short, can do Zending, but do not convert people. Could it be done? "(Letter to the EE Kartini Abendanon, 31 January 1903)
THIRD: That the Kartini was a syncretic, pluralistic, liberal, many of the ideas and thoughts are influenced by the flow Theosofi, Freemasonry even Jewish. Of course citing article Kartini, this statement is also no lack of evidence;
"Oh God, sometimes I wish, it would be nice, if there was no religion. Precisely because religion is supposed to unite all men, since many centuries into the base of strife and discord, the base of a very horrible bloodshed. Those sons of one mother and father threat threatened face to face, because of different ways to serve the One God, and God the Same. "(Kartini's Letters to Stella Zehandelaar, 6 November 1899)
"Religion is meant to give a blessing. To form a rope silaturrahmi among all God's creatures, white or brown. No rank of view, women or men, belief, all we are children of one Father, God the Almighty! "(Letter to Mrs Kartini. Van Kol, 21 July 1902)
"Throughout our opinion, the religion of the most beautiful and most sacred is Valentines. And to be able to live according to this lofty command, should absolutely be a Christian? People Buddha, Brahma, Jews, Muslims, even infidels can live with a pure affection. "(Letter to Mrs. Abendanon, 14 December 1902)
"Know madam, that my child Buddha, and it has become a reason to never eat meat. As a kid I was ill; the doctors can not help us, they are desperate. There came a Chinese (the convicts) who are friends with our children. He offered to help me. Parents we accept it, and I recovered. What does not work with drugs intelligentsia, success with "handyman herbal medicine." He healed me with minimal ash told me to stick figurine offerings to the gods of China. Because I was a child drink that is China's sacred ancestor, namely Santik Kong from Welahan. "(Letter to Mrs Kartini. Abendanon, 27 October 1902)
"We named the Muslims because we are descendants of the people of Islam, and we are Muslims only in name only, nothing more. Lord, God, for we are a call is a call, is sound with no meaning ... "(Letter to the E. Kartini C Abendanon, 15 August 1902).
"The real religion is mysticism, and religion can be embraced both as Christians, and Muslims, etc." (Letter to Mrs. Van Kol, 31 January 1903)
"If people want to also teach religion to people of Java, preach to them God is the only one, namely Mr Most Gracious, Father of all people, whether Christian or Islamic, Buddhist and Jewish, and others." (Letter to E. C Abendanon, 31 January 1903)"He does not co-religionists with us, but not why, Lord, our Lord. Lord of us all." (Note to H. H Van Kol August 10, 1902)
"After all the roads we've been through different, but all of them headed to the same goal, namely Goodness. We also serve the Good, who hosts his own call of God and we call God. "(Kartini's Letters to N. Adriani, 24 September 1902)

"People who do not know personally we want to make our absolute Theosofi adherents, he was willing to give us information about all kinds of darkness in that knowledge. Other people who also do not we know that without our knowing itself, we are adherents Theosofi. "(Kartini's Letters to Mrs Abendanon, 24 August 1902).The next day we talked with the President of Society of Theosofi, who are willing to give information to us, again we hear a lot that makes us think. "(Kartini's Letters to Mrs Abendanon, 15 September 1902).

FOURTH: That the Kartini is a figure created by the Netherlands to demonstrate that Western thought was the one who inspired the advancement of women in Indonesia. Looks like this is precisely the critical viewpoint leveled by historians despite the evidence support a presumption.
"Kartini is a figure created by the Netherlands to demonstrate that Western thought was the one who inspired the advancement of women in Indonesia. Or at least, that process is done assimiliation Dutch humanist group that carries the Ethical Political Movements in the colonial period, has successfully given birth Kartini figure that "enlightened" with Western thought. "(Harsja W. Bachtiar, quoted in Artawijaya, )
"Not much really" heroes "we officially or unofficially that can arouse out the history of the quilt myth that surrounds him. Most of the left to dwell securely in the realm of myth-they are "heroes" and finish the problem. R. A Kartini is a hero without stopping to let her become the battlefield between myth and history. Questions are always made about the meaning blanket covering her. Who is she really? Was she merely the result of political engineering ethical colonial government who want to run a political association? "(Taufik 'Abdullah quoted in Artawijaya,
Brief Analysis
FIRST: Kartini was a disappointment over the religious life of her people, namely Muslims Java. This is shown by some of his writings;
About my religion Islam, Stella, I must tell you what? Islam forbids his people to discuss it with people of other faiths. Anyway my religion because my ancestors actually Islamic. How can I love my religion, if I do not understand, can not understand it? Al-Quran is too sacred, should not be translated into any language. Here there is no one who understands Arabic. Here people are taught to read the Quran but do not understand what they read. I thought, the work of people mad, people are taught to read but not taught the meaning of reading it. Same thing just like you taught me English books, I have to memorize it word for word, but not a word that you explain to me what it means. Not so pious man was okay, as long as a person who is kind, is not it Stella? "(Kartini's Letters to Stella, 6 November 1899)

"And, indeed I Islamic religion because my ancestors are Muslims. How I love my religion, if I do not know it? They should not know it? Al-Quran is too sacred to be translated, in any language. Here, no one knows Arabic. Here people are taught to read the Quran but do not understand what they read. I think it was crazy job, teaching people to read without teaching the meaning of the reading. It is same just like you taught me to read English books and I have to memorize all, without you explain the meaning of a word in that book to me. If I want to know and understand my religion, then I have to go to Arab countries to learn the language over there. "(Kartini's Letters to Stella, 6 November 1899)

"And then I do not want anymore to do things that do not know what need and what are the benefits. I do not want to read the Koran, learn to memorize the parables with a foreign language that I do not understand its meaning, and lest my teachers did not understand its meaning. Tell me what it means, I'll learn anything. I'm innocent, noble book it is too holy so that we may not understand what it means. (Letter to the EE Kartini Abendanon, 15 August 1902)
SECOND: Kartini was a forward-thinking and her social area.
The association was, his friends are Dutch people there are of course also vary. There are indeed sincere, there is a mission based on the belief that she adopted. Ridwan Saidi as quoted in Theosofi Movement in Indonesia, noted, "Kartini hang out and do a lot of correspondence with the Dutch Jew, such as J. H
Abendanon and his wife Mrs Abendanon Mandri, a humanist who was assigned by Snouck Hurgronye to approach Kartini. Mrs Abendanon Mandri is a woman born in Puerto Rico and Jew.
Another character is associated with Kartini, H. H Van Kol (Person in charge of colonial affairs for the Social Democratic Party in the Netherlands), Conrad Theodore van Daventer (Member of the Radical Democratic Party of the Netherlands), K. F Holle (A Humanist), and Christian Snouck Hurgronye (Orientalist, who also serves as the Dutch East Indies Government Advisor), and Estella H Zeehandelar, women who are often called Kartini in her letter with the name Stella. Stella is a radical feminist Jewish woman fighter who lived in Amsterdam. Aside from being a fighter feminism, Estella is also active as a member of the Social Democratische Arbeiders Partij (SDAP).
Other names who became friends corresponded Kartini is Mr. H. H Van Kol, Mrs. Nellie van Kol, Mrs M. C. E Ovink Soer, E. C Abendanon (son of J. H Abendanon), and Dr N Adriani (German man who allegedly as an evangelist in North Sulawesi). To Kartini, Mrs. Van Kol lot to teach about the Bible, while to Dr N Adriani, Kartini zending many criticize about Christianity, although in view of Kartini all religions the same. "
Of course, in an interaction, mutual influence is inevitable. Clearly, further study is needed to what extent they affect the spiritual nature of a Kartini. Because, Kartini once wrote with great dignity:
"It was past its time, had we thought that the people of Europe it's really only the best, no unrivaled. We're sorry, but whether mothers themselves consider the European society is perfect? Can the mother denies that behind the beautiful things in the mother there are many things that in no way deserves the title of civilization? "(Letter to Mrs Kartini. Abendanon, 27 October 1902)

"We're never going to make our students become half European people or the people of Java Westernized" (Letter to Mrs Kartini. Abendanon, 10 June 1902)

THIRD: Kartini was a truly long for in-depth understanding of Islam, her religion, in all its limitations and disappointments have ever experienced.
In a booklet written by Asma Karimah, Kartini Tragedy (2001), narated about Kartini's meeting with Kyai Haji Muhammad Sholeh bin Umar, a great scholar of the Army, Army Sholeh Semarang.Kyai Haji (as she is known) often gives lectures on various districts along the northern coast. At one point, Kartini a visit to her uncle's house in Demak regent (Prince Ario Sultanate).

At that time ongoing special monthly lectures for members of the family. Kartini listen recitation along raden ayu others from behind the hijab (veil). Kartini interested in lectures delivered by Kyai Haji Sholeh Army who then discuss the interpretation of Al-Quran Surah Al-Fatihah. After finishing the event study, Kartini urged her uncle to be willing to accompany her to meet with Kyai Sholeh Treaty.

Here is the dialogue as written by Mrs. Fadhila Sholeh, grandson of Kyai Sholeh Treaty.

"Kyai, let me ask, how the ruling if a knowledgeable, but hide their knowledge?"

Kyai Sholeh Army stunned to hear the question posed Kartini it diplomatically."Why Raden Ajeng ask that?" Kyai Sholeh Army asked, thinking that if what is meant by the question Kartini had never crossed his mind.

"Kyai, a new life during this time I could understand the meaning and significance of the first letter, and holding the Koran that it was so beautiful thrilling my soul. So instead I made the heart of gratitude to God, but I wonder endlessly, why all this time the scholars we strictly prohibits translation and interpretation of the Koran in Javanese. Is not Al-Quran is the book actually led a happy and prosperous life for man? "

After the meeting, Kyai Sholeh Land inspired to translate the Koran into the Java language. On the wedding day Kartini, Kyai Sholeh Army to award her translations of the Quran (Koran Tafsiril Faizhur Fit Rohman) volume I consists of 13 volumes, ranging from Surah Al-Fatihah to Surah Ibrahim. Kartini Begin studying Islam in real sense. But saying, not long after that, Kyai Sholeh Army died before completing the translation of the Quran into the Java language. Name Kyai Sholeh Army was never written down explicitly by Kartini in her letters, but the excitement of Kartini accept Quran translation she ever wrote in one letter.

"O! Fun old people about the return of the children who lost the right path so touching. An old man here, because the joy really about it gave us the old manuscripts of Java. Most are written with Arabic characters. Now we want to learn again to read and write Arabic letters. You probably know that Java books it is very difficult to come by, because it is written by hand. Only a few pieces are printed. "(Kartini's Letters to the EC Abendanon, 17 August 1902)
Thus, the rate
Kartini partially will despotic her, let alone weigh with the present measurements. Kejawen judged as genuine, refuted by its extraordinary progressivity . Assess it as a bona fide liberal pluralist and also wrong, because in her social Kartini was talking to people who do not co-religionists and as a Java, she must choose a sentence to be careful. Assess it as a political tool for ethical colonialism, indeed to ignore personal Kartini reflected in the letters really have a sincere heart was awarded for her people.
Fair, Kartini has demonstrated a thirst and longing in the light of Islam. Although she only managed to grab a glimpse, but what a glorious' deeds jariyahnya if it is true that Kiai Sholeh Army wrote the Koran translation because dialogue with Kartini. That was enough to make it might receive the reward from Allah and no end of high appreciation of the true believer.
Maybe there are objections and call it a small masterpiece, and that Kartini was then called still too much to deviate from a pure shariah. Of course, if all the carriers of light for the time weighted by the size of the present, then they will only become obsolete lantern full of stains. Look at the Kartini and measure with his time when proselytizing is a word that almost foreign. The rest, let berrendahhati to recognize the greatness of its predecessor ..
salim a. fillah

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