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1. Prayers.
Forbidden for a woman who is menstruating do prayers, both fardhu and Sunnah, and if it turns out the prayer, then her pray is invalid. Not obligatory for her the prayer unless she get most of her time enough to do one perfect rekaat, either at the beginning or end of time.
Example at the beginning of time, a woman is menstruating after the sun sets but she could get as much time as one of rekaat time. Then obliged her to pray maghrib after sacred, because she has got most of her time is enough to one before the arrival of menstruation cycles. As for example at the end of time: a woman saint of the menstrual before sunrise and still managed to get one rekaat of time. Then obliged to her after the morning prayer do the both prays purification, because she still managed to get most of the time that enough for one rakaat.
However, if a menstruating woman get partly of prayer time that is not enough for a perfect cycles; like the arrival of menstruation - at the first instance - just after sunset, or sacred of menstruation- In the second example - just before sunrise, then pray it not obligatory for her. Based on the words of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"" من أدرك رآعة من الصلاة فقد أدرك الصلاة
"Those who get one rakaat of prayer, then she has get prayer "(Hadith muttafaq 'alaih)
sense, who get less than one means rakaat do not get these prayers.
If a woman's menstrual cycles to get one of the 'Asr, then it is obligatory for her to do together dhuhur Asr prayers, or of time to get one rak `Isha 'is obligatory for her pray Maghrib with Isha '?
There are differences of opinion among the scholars on this issue. and that is true, that is not obligatory for her except pray that obtained that is only part of his time praying Asr and Isha prayers', because the word Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"" من أدرك رآعة من العصر قبل أن تغرب الشمس فقد أدرك العصر
"Whoever got one cycles of 'Asr prayer before sun it goes down, then she has gained Asr prayer "(Hadith muttafaq 'alaih)
Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam did not state "it has get Dhuhr and Asr prayers "also did not mention the obligation Dhuhr pray for her. And according to the rule: a person is in principle free of dependents. This is the madhhab of Imam Abi Hanifah and Imam Malik, as mentioned in the book syarh Al Muhadzdzabjuz 3 things. 70.
As for reading dhikr, Takbir, beads, tahmid, and bismillah when want to eat or other work, read the hadith, fiqh, prayer and ameen, and listen to the Qur'an, it is not forbidden for menstruating women, this is based on the hadeeth in saheeh Al Bukhari and Muslimand other books that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam never rely on 17 Female Habits Blood Ayesha Radhiyallahi 'anha who was menstruating, then shereading the Qur'an.
Also narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhari and Muslim from Umm Athiyah radi 'anha that he heard the prophet shollallohu' alaihi wasallam said:
- "یخرج العواتق وذوات الخدور والحيض - یعني إلى صلاة العيد
" وليشهدن الخير ودعوة المسلمين ویعتزل الحيض المصلى
"To get out of the girls, virgins and women menstruation-that is to pray Idhul Fitri and al-Adha, and so they come see the kindness and prayers of people believers. But the menstruating women away from the place of prayer "
While reading the Qur'an for women menstruation itself, if the eye or with the heart without spoken by the tongue so it does not matter laws, for example Holy Qur'an Manuscripts or sheet and then placed her eyes while her verses read. by An Nawawi in the book Syarh Al Muhadzdzab Juz 2 things: 362, this may nodifferences of opinion.
As if that menstruating women read the Qur'an with oral, then many ulama illegimate and not allow it. But Al Bukhari, Ibn Jarir At-Tabari and Ibn Mundzir allow it. Also can read the verses of the Qur'an for women menstruation according to Imam Malik and Ash Syafii in an earlier opinion, as mentionedin the book Fath Bari, as well as by Ibrahim An Nakha'i Al Bukhari narrated.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in al-Fataawa Ibn Qasim collectionsaid: "Basically there is no hadith which prohibits women's menstrual reading the Qur'an. While the statement "women who are menstruating and junub people should not read the Qur'an "is a weak hadith hadith by the consensus of the experts of hadith. If a woman who is menstruating prohibited read the Qur'an, like prayer, in terms of the time of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam the women having periods, this course including those described Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam to his people, known by his wife as the mothers of the mu'minin, and delivered friend to others. However, no one convey that there is a prohibition from the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam in this issue. Therefore, it should not be convicted for known illicit that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam did not forbid it, though many also at the time of his female menstruation, meaning it is not unlawful. After knowing the difference of opinion among the ulama, should, we say, more mainstream for women who are menstruating are notread the Qur'an orally, except when necessary. For example, a female teachers who need to teach reading the Qur'an to the students or a student who at the time of the exam needs to be tested in read the Qur'an, and so forth.
2. fasting
Forbidden for a woman who is menstruating fasting, both fasting compulsoryor voluntary, and not legitimate fasting does. But she obliged to pay back 'fasting required, based on the hadith narrated by Aisha radi 'anha:
"آان یصيبنا ذلك, تعني الحيض, فنؤمر بقضاء الصوم ولا نؤمر
" بقضاء الصلاة
"When we were having periods, was ordered to pay back 'fasting and not ordered to pay back 'prayer (hadith muttafaq' alaih)
if a woman coming of menstruation when fasting then her fasting is cancel out, even though it happened just before Maghrib, and mandatory to pay back her fasting days, if fasting is fasting required. But if she felt the signs of impending menstruation before, but new blood come out after Maghrib, then according to a saheeh opinion that fasting was perfect and not canceled, the reason, the blood still there has been no ruling in the womb, the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam when asked about the woman who dreamed like a man dream, whether compulsory bath? beliaupun answer:
"" نعم إذا هي رأت الماء
"yes, if she sees semen "
In this hadith, the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam legal associate with semen, not with signs of discharge. Likewise menstrual problems, does not apply its laws except by looking at the blood came out, not with signs of discharge.
Also at dawn when a woman is still in a state of menstruation it is not lawful to fast on that day, though he holy shortly after dawn. But if the holy dawn, then the fast is valid, even if she had a bath after dawn. Just as people in a state junub, if the intention fasting when it was still in a state junub and have not had a bath unless after dawn, then the fast is valid. Basically, the hadith Aisha radiallahu'anha: "آان النبي صلى االله عليه وسلم یصبح جنبا من جماع غير احتلام ثم یصوم في
" رمضان
"Once upon a morning in the month of Ramadhan the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam is in a state junub because Jima ', not because of a dream, then he fasted (Hadith muttafaq 'alaih)
3. Thawaf.
Forbidden for a woman who is menstruating do thawaf Kaaba, whether compulsory or voluntary, and not legitimate her thawaf based on the words of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam to Aisha:
"" افعلي ما یفعل الحاج غير أن لا تطوفي بالبيت حتي تطهري
"What do pilgrims do, just do not perform tawaf before ye holy Kaaba "
As for other obligations such as sa'i between Safa and dignity, standing at Arafat, Muzdalifah and spend the night in Mina, throwing jumrah and Hajj and Umrah practice in addition, is not forbidden. On this basis, if a woman doing tawaf in a state of pure, then exit menstrual blood immediately after thawaf or in the middle of doing sa'i, then it does not matter jurisdiction.
Thawaf Farewell '
If a woman worked through all the rituals of Hajj and Umrah, then coming period before dropping out to return to his country and this period continueslasted until the deadline to go home, then he may go without thawaf Farewell '. Basically the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbas radi' anhuma:
"" أمر الناس أن یكون آخر عهدهم بالبيت, إلا أنه خفف عن الحائض
"Commanded to pilgrims during the last day they were in deposited (malakukan thawaf Farewell '), just that it is not chargeable to woman who is menstruating "(hadith muttafaq alaih).
And not be sunnah for women who are menstruating when they wanted toin contrast, came to the door of the Grand Mosque and pray. because this is notthere are basically of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, while the entire worship should be based on the teachings (Sunnah), Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam. In fact, according to the teachings of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam is the opposite. As mentioned in the story Shafiyah Radhiyallahi 'anha when in a state of menstruation after thawaf ifadhah Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said to him: "If so, let him depart" (hadith muttafaq alaih). in this hadith, the Prophet told her to not come to the door of the Mosque Haram. If it is prescribed, of the prophet had to explain it.
The Hajj and Umrah thawaf to remain compulsory for women who menstruating, and after a saint.
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