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1. Increased or reduced during menstruation.
For example, a woman is menstruating normally for six days, but suddenlyarrived menstrual lasted until seven days or otherwise, usually menstruationfor seven days, but suddenly sacred in the first six days.
2. Forward or backward when the arrival of menstruation.
For example, a woman is menstruating normally at the end of last month's sudden menstruation coming at the beginning of the month. Or menstruating normally at the beginning of the month, then suddenly arrive at the end of menstruation coming months.
The scholars disagree on the second judge of the above. However, the correct opinion, that a woman if you get blood (menstruation) then she is in a state of menstruation and if it does not get it means she in a state of washing, even though her menstrual period exceeds or less than usual. And has been mentioned in previous chapters theorem which reinforce this opinion, namely that God has linked the laws of menstruation in the presence of menstruation.
Opinions are the madhhab of Imam Asy Syafii and become Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah choice. The author of the book, too, Al Mughni strengthen this opinion and defend it, he said: "if customary habits become into consideration, according to that mentioned in mahzab, would be explained Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam to his people and will not delay the explanation, because nohe may procrastinate when it needs explanation, His wives and other women also requires that explanations every time, then he will not overlook it. However, it turns out there is no history which states that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam never any mention of this custom or explain except with regard to women who istihadhah only.
3. The blood is yellow or turbid
That is a woman getting her blood like yellow pus or turbid between yellowish and blackish.
If this happens when menstruation or concatenated with menstruation before sacred, then it is valid for her menstrual blood and menstrual laws.But if it happens after the sacred, then it is not menstrual blood. Based upon a history given by Umm Athiyah Radhiyalluhu 'Anha:
"" آنا لا نعد الصفرة والكدرة بعد الطهر شيئا
"We do not assume anything (menstrual) blood yellow or turbid after sacred "
This hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawud with a chain is authentic. Narrated by Al Bukhari also without the phrase "after the sacred", but she mentioned in "Chapter Blood Or Yellow Color Out Period turbid Menstruation "and in Fath Baari explained:" It was a sign of Al Bukhari for combine the hadith Aisha stating, "before you see the white slime "and the hadith of Umm Athiyah mentioned in chapter this, that the intent hadith Aisha is when women get bloodyellow or cloudy during menstrual periods. As for outside the menstrual period,then according to what the Umm Athiyah ".
Hadith Aisha that the purpose of which is mentioned by al-hadith Bukhari in the previous chapter, that women are ever sent her a piece of cloth containing cotton (which is used for women know whether there was still some stain of menstruation), which still contained her yellow blood, then Aisha said: "not in a hurry before You see a white mucus "meaning white liquid that comes out of the womb expired at the time of menstruation.
4. menstrual blood out discontinuously
That day came out blood and day will not come out. In this case happened 2condition:
1. if this condition is always the case in a woman every time, then the blood is blood istihadhah.
2. if this condition does not always happen to a woman but sometimes just come in and she has a sacred right moment. So the Ulama dissent on determining the conditions when not out blood. Is this a holy period or included in the lawmenstruation?
Madhhab of Imam Asy Syafii, according to one opinion the most authentic, that it is still included in the law of menstruation, this opinion wasa choice of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and the author of the book Al Faiq,also the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifah. For, under such conditions This white mucus is not obtained, even if used as a sacred state means that previously and thereafter was menstrual period, and no one which states that, because if so would the iddah with Quru calculation '(menstruation or sacred) will be ended in the period five days. Similarly, if used as a sacred state, will undoubtedly inconvenient and difficult because they have to bathe and so forth every two days, although the Shari'a is not that difficult. Walhamdulillah.
As for the famous by the followers of Imam Ahmad bin madhahib Hambal, if menstrual blood means the blood out and if it stops means sacred; except if the amount of time exceeds the maximum number of menstruation, then the blood that goes beyond that is Istihadhah blood.
It says in the book Al-Mughni: "if the cessation of blood is less than a day then sayogyanya not considered a holy state. Based on history of which we mention with respect to childbirth, that the cessation of blood is less than a day need not be addressed. And this is what authentic, God willing. Because, in a state of intermittent discharge of blood end (once out once did not) when required to take a bath for women in any time to stop discharge of blood of course it's difficult, but God subhaanahu Ta'aala wa says:
[] وما جعل عليكم في الدین من حرج
"... and He (God) never make a religion for you narrowness ... "(Surat al-Hajj: 79).
On this basis, the cessation of blood which is not less than a day is a pure state unless the woman to get evidence show that it sacred. For example, cessation of blood on the end of his habit or he saw a white mucus (Al Mughni, juz: 1, : 355)
5. Occurs drying blood.
Namely, the woman does not get in addition to feel damp or wet (On his cock)
If this occurs during menstruation or continuous with the menstrual before the sacred, then convicted as menstruation. But if it happens after sacred days, then not including menstruation. Therefore, circumstances such as these at leastconvicted together with the blood condition is yellow or cloudy.
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1. Age and Periodicity of Menstruation
2. What is Menstruation and Its Wisdom
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