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So if you want to know, here's preparations:
1. Preparation in Spiritual (Ruhiyah)
This includes our readiness to change the mental attitude to be more responsible, willing to share, fading ego, and tolerant. There is also emphasis to be ready to use two things in real life, namely patience and gratitude. There is a readiness to submit to and accept all the provisions of God that govern our lives completely, especially in the household.
2. Preparation Science-Intellectual Property ('Ilmiyah-Fikriyah)
Get ready to set up households with the knowledge, science, and understanding. There is a science of the Ad Deen. There is a science of communication to the mate ma'ruf. There is science to be good parents (parenting). There is a science of economic restructuring. And many other sciences.
3. Preparation Physical (Jasadiyah)If you have any diseases, especially related to reproductive health, must immediately cultivate to be healing. Whitish on sister for example. Or mumps (parotitis) for the brothers. Because the virus that attacks the parotid gland is, if not immediately blocked, can attack the testis. Panu also need to be healed, lol :) . Note the cleanliness. The others, pay attention to food. Anyway must be kosher, Thayyib, and orderly. Remove indiscriminate snack habits. About the clothes too, especially on the most personal. The habit of using underware that are too tight for example, the effect is very bad for sperm quality. Nah.
4. Preparation Material (Maaliyah)
The most important thing is not working, let alone fixed-, but must earn. The rest of the ability to manage finances.
5. Preparation Social (Ijtima'iyyah)
That is, ready for the community, understand how the neighbors, to understand how to socialize and take a role in the community. Equally important, has the vision and mission of proselytizing in their environment.
Well, this is all preparation. That is something we do not stop the process. How much of the preparation of the above to be achieved before marriage? Size becomes very relative. Because, even the process of preparation is also essentially self-improvement process that we do all the time. Once married, we still must continue to hone what we call it marriage preparation. Then, when we get married?
Yes. It must have clear parameters. What? Messenger was only mentioned one parameter in the following hadith. One course. Take a look.
"O young gentlemen, whoever among you has capable to BA'AH, then let him marry, because marriage is more to lower his gaze and guard of honor farj. And whoever is not able, let him fast, really fast is a shield for him. "(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
There is only one parameter only. What is it? Yes, ba'ah. What is ba'ah? Some 'scholars (ulama) disagree but agree on one thing. Meaning ba'ah the main thing is the biological ability, the ability berjima '. As for the meaning of enhancements, according to Imam Ash Syaukani is al Mahru wan nafaqah, dowry and living. Medium according to the 'other' ulama adalh provision of housing. However, the meaning utamalah which emphasized the ability Jima '.
Thus, we find the early generations of this ummah who marry their children at a young age. Even since suffering ihtilam (wet dream) first. Thus, said Ustadz Darlis Dawn, at the time of Imam Malik, Ash Shafi'i, Ahmad, no juvenile delinquency. Look now, he said, great scholars and historical figures get married in their teens. Yusuf Al Qaradlawi married in their teens, 'Ali Ath Thanthawi too. He then cites the results of a new research in the Middle East, that the cause of many moral corruption in society is the number of bachelor and single people in the middle of that society.
Nah. It's finished. How was the preparation, as little as any stock, you are required to marry when it ba'ah. So the main preparation is a commitment. The commitment to make the wedding as a continuous self-improvement. I want to emphasize, after the truth and honesty, the first symptoms of baraka is simplify the process and not make themselves, let alone make other people. It's bold step now? Do you still need a longer warranty? Good, God will give it, God will be guaranteed :
"There are three classes which shall be to Allah help them. First, the slave mukatab who want to settle himself to be independent. Two, people who marry for the sake of maintaining the sanctity itself from ma'shiat. And third, the mujahid in Allah's way. "(Reported by At-Tirmidhi, An Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah)
Ever in a mailing list, I also flicked a small logic has ever delivered a friend and I modified a little. What is it? About that married rizqi opened the door. So the logic here. Ration rizqi we were already there, it is definitely so-so. We are given choices by God to take it from any road. However, it can hampered by several things such as laziness, pride, and ma'shiat.
The word 'Umar ibn al Khaththab, youth who do not wish to be married were likely two. If not many ma'shiatnya, would doubt his manhood. Well, mostly male is manhood InsyaAllah. Just a lot ma'shiat. This alone is blocking rizqi. Not to mention the prestige and picky about the work that we experience before marriage. Shame, pride, picky.
But once married, you got a responsibility to support his claim. For sensible, this responsibility will remove prestige and that picky. There is a desperation that was responsible ma'shiat plus reduced because of the existing lawful wife enjoyed (ups!) Especially, when multiply seek forgiveness. Rizqi will come in repeatedly. As Noah said this,
"So I say to them:" Say istighfar to your Lord, surely He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send to you by the torrential rain, and multiply wealth and your children, and make for you gardens and held (also in it) for you the rivers. "(QS. Nuh 10-12)
Ever thought of a plantation which rivers flowed personal? Multiply istighfar, and immediately get married, God willing blessings. Well, I have submitted. Once again, the first symptoms of a blessed marriage is honesty spirit, sustained in a frame syaria't process, and facilitate self. Remember the key word; honest, syar'i, easy. I have submitted, Allaahummasyhad! O Allah, bear witness! If there is doubt menyisa, Nuh's question is very relevant in the next paragraph intended toward our faces.
"Why do not you believe in the greatness of God?" (QS. Nuh 13)
That's it. Congratulations to welcome a true friend, warm greetings from me ..
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