Sep 29, 2010

What is Menstruation and Its Wisdom

1. What is Menstruation

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According to the language, means something menstrual flow. And according to the meaning Personality 'is the blood that occurs naturally in women, not because of an cause, and at a certain time. So the blood of menstruation is normal, not caused by an illness, injury, miscarriage or birth. Therefore Menopause is a normal blood, the blood is different according to the conditions, environment and climate, resulting in significant differences on any women.
2. Wisdom of Menstruation
        The silver lining, because the fetus is in the mother's womb unable to eat as a child eats outside the womb, and impossible for the mother to deliver something food for her, then Allah wa subhaanahu Ta'aala have made ​​the self the women extravasation process which is useful as a food substance for fetus in the mother's womb without the need to be eaten and digested, which until to the fetus through the umbilical cord, in which blood is pervasive through veins and into the food substance. Glory of God, He is best good Creator.
        This is the wisdom of menstruation. Therefore, if a woman is in state of pregnancy does not get your period again, except rarely. Thus also women who breastfeed little menstruation, especially in the early period feeding.

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